Travel Journal 1 | Fall Break in the French Riviera

Studying in France has been incredibly busy, lively, and rewarding, just in these past three weeks. I know the blog posts have slowed down a lot, but I hope to post travel journals semi-regularly during my time here. Everything is stunning and I feel so inspired. I wish I could share it all.

For my first independent travel break, I ventured down south to the Riviera to see Nice and Monaco. Planning the first trip was a bit overwhelming and stressful, but absolutely worth it and I feel a lot more comfortable navigating train schedules (online and off).

The moment I decided to study in France, I knew I’d have to spend at least a few days in Southern France. When I was 14, I spent a few days in the Southern Alps, but this time I definitely wanted to float in the Mediterranean Sea. Perhaps growing up on Lake Michigan has given me an affinity for large bodies of water. And beaches. Any beach feels like home.

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